Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tri Angga

Tri angga in Balinese culture means 3 parts, high, middle and low and can be represented in the human body,bulding structures,town planning and the environment.
The tri Angga of Bali as a wole place are divided into 3 :

High - sacred mountains wichform a ridge from east to west through the center of the nusantara.

Middle - is where most of the Balinese live.

Low - is the sea.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3 Lapis Kubah

3 lapis kubah masjid mewakili falsafah Islam :
1) Lapisan bawah             -              Menjunjung syariat
2) Lapisan tengah             -              Menguasai hakikat
3) Lapisan atas                 -              Mencapai maarifat dan puncak
       (tunjuk langit@bulan sabit dan bintang)
Ada juga pendapat yang menyatakan 3 lapis kubah bertujuan untuk meneutralkan falsafah hindu/Buddha yang membina kuil bumbung bertingkat 7 atau 9 yang menggambarkan 7 tingkat alam.



Dougong is a unique structural element to interlock the wooden brackets, it is one of the most significance elements in traditional Chinesearchitecture.


Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means circle. In the Hindu and Buddhist belief, their sacred art often takes a mandala shape. The shape of most Hindu and Buddhist mandalas is a square with 4 gates containing a circle with a point at the center.